

Pressure Washer

Pressure washing requires a wide range of flow requirements to complete many different cleaning tasks.

CoverCat Pressure Washers operate in the range of 1500psi (100bar) to 5800psi (400bar) and flow rate up to 14ltr/min providing a simple and effective solution to general high pressure washing. CoverCat Pressure Washers use an air powered pump unit with high capacity single and double piston pumps operating at low cycle rates below 40cycles /min and most significantly are able to use non-potable water.

It has been shown that the equipment can be used with river water through a suction filter.

Various tip and nozzle options provide a wide range of cleaning ability to remove residues and marine growth.

A major advantage of using air operated equipment is the ability to operate in hazardous areas.

Equipment can be configured to use abrasive entrainment and chemical injection for further expansion of its range of uses.

Hot Water tank units can be added which contain up to 200ltr with a 54kw immersion heater.

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